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Data Upload 

In order to use of autofill it is required to upload previous assembly data in order to access the data through the app. The data that is provide MUST meet a very specific format any deviation from this format will make the data not be able to be uploaded and will require the data to be cleaned before being able to upload it. The example file is what format the data must be in without requiring cleaning before uploading to the database. 

Questions on Data Upload Requirements? Contact Us

Data Upload Notes: 

1. File must be an excel (.xlsx) file

2. Must meet the example file format exactly if file doesn't meet the required format, it will have to be cleaned either by the company that provided it or by WTM Solutions

3. Any data cleaning completed by WTM Solutions will incur a cost to clean, file will be reviewed and an estimated cost will be provided to clean the data to get it to the required format 

Data Upload 

In order to use of autofill it is required to upload previous assembly data in order to access the data through the app. The data that is provide MUST meet a very specific format any deviation from this format will make the data not be able to be uploaded and will require the data to be cleaned before being able to upload it. The example file is what format the data must be in without requiring cleaning before uploading to the database. 

Data Upload Notes: 

1. File must be an excel (.xlsx) file

2. Must meet the example file format exactly if file doesn't meet the required format, it will have to be cleaned either by the company that provided it or by WTM Solution

3. Any data cleaning completed by WTM Solutions will incur a cost to clean, file will be reviewed and an estimated cost will be provided to clean the data to get it to the required format 

Questions on Data Upload Requirements? Contact Us

Data Upload 

In order to use of autofill it is required to upload previous assembly data in order to access the data through the app. The data that is provide MUST meet a very specific format any deviation from this format will make the data not be able to be uploaded and will require the data to be cleaned before being able to upload it. The example file is what format the data must be in without requiring cleaning before uploading to the database. 

Questions on Data Upload Requirements? Contact Us

Data Upload Notes: 

1. File must be an excel (.xlsx) file

2. Must meet the example file format exactly if file doesn't meet the required format, it will have to be cleaned either by the company that provided it or by WTM Solution

3. Any data cleaning completed by WTM Solutions will incur a cost to clean, file will be reviewed and an estimated cost will be provided to clean the data to get it to the required format 


This channel is coming soon!

Reference Material 

Reference Material 

Data Upload 

In order to use of autofill it is required to upload previous assembly data in order to access the data through the app. The data that is provide MUST meet a very specific format any deviation from this format will make the data not be able to be uploaded and will require the data to be cleaned before being able to upload it. The example file is what format the data must be in without requiring cleaning before uploading to the database. 

Questions on Data Upload Requirements? Contact Us

Data Upload Notes: 

1. File must be an excel (.xlsx) file

2. Must meet the example file format exactly if file doesn't meet the required format, it will have to be cleaned either by the company that provided it or by WTM Solution

3. Any data cleaning completed by WTM Solutions will incur a cost to clean, file will be reviewed and an estimated cost will be provided to clean the data to get it to the required format 

What are Testers Saying?

Joel Fabricius 

Flowrite Backflow Inc

South Florida, on the Treasure Coast

Let me start off by saying Wow!

Click to Read More

Wow this test kit has made my life as a tester easier, faster, and more efficient. While it should be no surprise that this kits fit and finish would be great, I’ll say it anyway, its great! I love my 845, 5 valve analog kit and you may think, there will always be a place for analog kits, and you may be right. However, theres no denying that the world is moving towards all things digital and the 855 has met that need very well. First off, holds well, with a good fit in your hand while testing. Not a heavy or bulky kit at all which is a plus for me testing all day. There’s barely a learning curve at all and I’d even argue its ease of use could actually aid in teaching backflow testing to new testers. As much as I love my 845, (did I say that already?) the benefits of going digital with the 855 has sped me up and made the back end, paperwork side of testing, a breeze to get through. No more “where did I put my pen?” and no more wet papers being filled out in the field. I cruise through my data collection using the speak-to-text on my phone to call out make, model and serial numbers as well as any other pertinent info, then I’m on to testing faster than I had ever been before. Repeat tests or coming back to test again after repairs goes even quicker. I’m adapting with the times and have gone digital and I’m not looking back. I’m stoked I chose the Midwest Instrument 855!


Assembly Autofill Promo
Assembly Autofill Promo
App Overview
App Overview
855 ASSE RPZ Test
855 ASSE RPZ Test
855 ASSE DC Test
855 ASSE DC Test


This channel is coming soon!

Mid-West® Instrument 855 Manual 

Mid-West® Instrument 855 Quickstart Guide  

Mid-West® Instrument 855 Manual 

Mid-West® Instrument 855 Quickstart Guide  

Reference Material 

Mid-West® Instrument 855 Quickstart Guide  

Mid-West® Instrument 855 Manual 

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Privacy Policy

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